Saturday, March 05, 2005

Scealf Finally Snaps and Kills Entire Population of Chattanooga for not "Rockin'"

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No, not really. This is a still from the low-budget ($600 to be exact) indie horror film Anti-Horror which stars the legendary Eric Scealf. Chattanooga film maker Don Benjamin helmed this grusome little ditty and it's picking up some good reviews as well as possible Hollywood distribution. Think of the possiblities: crazy rock'n'roll shaman Eric let loose on an unsuspecting Hollywood! Paris Hilton declares "Eric's HOT!" Eric gets the B.A. Baracus role in the big-screen remake of The A-Team("Hey ya'll, I pity the fool!"). Weirder shit has happened, trust me. I say take it all the way to the bank my friends, Uncle Torture's behind ya.
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