Friday, March 04, 2005

David Horowitz Demands Equal Time In My Classroom for Conservative Students...Fuck 'Em All I Say

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Conservative students are apparently demanding equal time in college classrooms across the nation. They are demanding that their liberal, pot-smoking, cable-knit sweater-wearing, sexy co-ed screwing, atheist, communist, vegan, lesbian, punk rock, anti-social, pro-humanist, hippie, anarchist, free-thinking, crawdad-smoking, literarte, book-reading, non-SUV driving, socialist, poem-writing, human-rights advocate, women's choice sponser, homosexual college professors refrain from pushing their agendas on such sensitive, patriotic, gun-toting, NRA-backing, rational, hate-mongering tools of the Bush Regime students who feel put upon by a an organization which systematically denies the basic human rights of all American, freedom-loving, Thomas Jefferson-supporting, Democratic...whoops, I've gotten confused. Just who is the enemy here? Shithead! Read this crap.
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