Hong Kong Cinema Rocks!

Chinese filmmakers seem to have imagination out the damn yin yang (so to speak) because just when Tarantino or Rodriguez makes a hot shit film, some Chinese movie comes along and blows them out of the water.
Not that Sin City isn't cool or Kill Bill doesn't kick ass, but Stephen Chow completely dominates with his new movie Kung Fu Hustle. The difference is that even amidst the overkill, cartoon craziness of this movie, there are also very subtle touches like the similarities to early Gordon Lieu, the homage to The Shining, or the ever present MGM musical references.
Kung Fu Hustle is wonderfully entertaining moviemaking and further cements Hong Kong's reputation as maybe the leading center for film today. Crap like Guess Who or Man of the House is a waste of time and effort. Go see Kung Fu Hustle instead of wasting your money on Hollywood drivel.
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