
Is it over? Is he gone for good? Have the spamcreeps chased him away with their insidious offers of penis enhancement pills and low mortgage rates? It's been several months now since his last post, and the silence seems permanent. There are very few things in this world as pure as what he was offering: Innocence in a world tainted by greed, corruption, and violence; whimsy flying in the face of "reality" television programming and embedded journalists selling us the imperialists' war in bite-sized, infomercial-like bits; hope for the little guy against all the "creeps." I don't care who he really was or what he actually was up to, and I don't care that some cynics didn't seem to understand my interest (fuck you very much, by the way). I only care about the fact that I needed him, and now he's apparently gone. So if there's one Christmas wish I could make, then I wish to bring him back.
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