This is what's truly great about Rock and Roll, or in this case, Rocque and Roll. The Upper Crust deliver amped-up, AC/DC-style guitar crunch whilst bedecked as snobby, degenerate 18th-century noblemen. The Crust incorporate the catchiest of power-pop hooks with the most intelligent yet foot-stomping-est elements of hard arena-rock. To top it off, their lyrics address the dilemmas of the lives of the idle rich: "Let Them Eat Rock," "Friend Of A Friend Of The Working Class," "Rabble Rouser," etc.
Not only are their songs about the trials of blueblood life, but they perform in full aristocratic regalia: powdered wigs, velvet knickers, pancake makeup with beauty spots applied. They even have gilded frames for their 20th century amplifiers. There is always room for more wacked-out shit in the world of Rock. Let the Upper Crust "Rocque You!"
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