Thursday, October 21, 2004

Save America

Save America
Originally uploaded by manteo.
George Bush is smug and out of touch with reality. And it's a theme that others are beginning to pick up on and amplify. On Monday, former Vice President Al Gore gave his "closing argument" in a passionate and powerful finale to his MoveOn speech series. The address focused on this same reality gap. Here's a short excerpt:

The President's aversion to doubt is sometimes interpreted as proof of the strength of his convictions. But in truth, it is nothing more than his refusal to even consider alternative opinions and conflicting evidence. The president ignores the warnings of his experts. He forbids any dissent. He is arrogantly out of touch with reality. He refuses to ever admit his mistakes. Which means that as long as he is our president, we are doomed to repeat them. It is beyond incompetence. It is recklessness that risks the safety and security of the American people.

How could a team so skilled in politics be so fumbling and incompetent when it comes to policy? The truth is that the same insularity and zeal that makes him effective at smash mouth politics, makes him terrible at governing. The Bush-Cheney administration is a rarity in American history, it is simultaneously dishonest and incompetent.

George Bush has neutralized Congressional accountability by intimidating the Republican leadership and transforming his majority into a true rubber stamp, unlike any that has ever before existed in our history. He has appointed judges who help insulate him from accountability in the courts. He has sidestepped the press by refusing to conduct the public's business openly.

There is now only one center of Constitutional power capable of holding George W. Bush accountable. Only we, the voters, can take our country back.

You can read the whole speech at:
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