I'm cooler than you because my favorite band is Mokey Weasel Nutsack who no one has ever heard of, they've never made a record, and never played a show, but they practice in a basement in Lawerence, Kansas which makes them cool cause William Burroughs once lived there for a while and everyone knows heroin is really cool even though I've never finished reading Naked Lunch cause its really hard to follow but I saw the movie version which was also hard to figure out but at least it had pictures and I really prefer looking at movies anyway cause Evil Dead 2 is the best movie ever cause Bruce Campbell is the greatest actor ever even if I usually tell people I like Richard Burton cause the only Burton movie I saw was The Exorcist 2 but that was a comedy I think cause it was really funny and the strolling bones don't make good records anymore cause Kramer called a man a nigger and the world exploded when O.J. killed a woman on tv and TomKat cancelled his subscription to Pimple magazine cause baby pictures cost several million $s when you have to rent a bent kid for 6 hours at a time cause Brangelina punched itself in the face with its fist and took out an ad in the newtpaperwhich said "Take Your Potatoes Down To Be Mashed" cause no one cares about eyerack when the crocodile hunter likes to play with rabies.